Monday, September 26, 2011

Is Rick Perry Just Another "Pretty" Face?

There was an article in Mother Jones magazine this morning that offered an interesting take on why Rick Perry was so badly routed in this past weekend's Florida straw poll. The article alleges that Perry is simply too Sarah Palin-esque (i.e., lazy) in his approach to preparing for the opportunities he has to showcase himself, like the Republican candidate debates.

According to the article, Perry believes that his winning personality and his bullshit Texas bravado, instead of thoughtful consideration of issues and prepared policy positions, should be enough to garner him favor among voters. Based on his massive fall from grace of late, that is not how Republican voters feel. Perry is paying for his lack of effort with a rapid downturn in public perception of his viability as a candidate.

I congratulate my Republican friends for not letting the candidate get away with his just-smile-and-talk-Texas-tough strategy. Our national problems are too big for us to seriously consider someone for President who doesn't take the time to truly understand the issues and formulate serious plans for addressing them.

We may not have seen the last of Perry, but he better damn well start "hitting the books" a little harder if he wants to be a legit contender for Commander-in-Chief.


  1. I can't believe Repubs wouldn't vote for him after seeing his cowpoke-headed-to-a-showdown stance after the debate. So Presidential!

  2. If you happen to see a photo of all the candidates on stage from the last debate, you will likely see Perry - arms hanging limply at his side, gut sucked in, chest pumped out, and shoulders thrown back to an extreme. As Paul said, think cowpoke...or maybe Redd Foxx at the start of one of his frequent feigned heart attacks on Sanford and Son.
