Thursday, October 20, 2011

Economy = Hard, Debt = Easy

America's economy is far more complex than most of us will ever truly comprehend. Consider the impact of and the relationships between the national debt, the dollar, job creation, big oil, Wall Street, banking and finance, the Fed, the housing market, consumer spending, manufacturing, foreign markets, free trade, technology, infrastructure, tax revenue, and on and on and on.

America's national debt crisis, the first element I listed above, actually can be simplified though. This graphic, which was recently getting passed around on Facebook (thanks Carrie Clement!), does the trick nicely. It clearly illustrates the ridiculousness of our current national debt situation, and it lends itself nicely to the McKown Formula for Solving Any Budgetary Crisis - make more, spend less.


  1. This is great. I love the household budget analogy.

  2. Agreed, Matt. Putting it in those terms makes it hard not to see our collective stupidity.
