Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Impressions From My First Morning Alone

Quiet. A small wood-framed clock sits atop the refrigerator, and from every corner of my tiny cabin, I can hear it marking the passage of time. Tick-tick-tick.

Fire. When I arrived last night, the owner of the cabin had left a cozy fire burning in the wood stove to welcome me. The fire died out overnight, so this morning it was up to me to re-kindle the flame.

Apparently, it takes more than old newspaper, firewood, and matchsticks to start a fire. I have new respect for arson as an occupation.

Socks. Essential. See issues with re-kindling fire noted above.

Stillness. One other thing I learned in the first two hours this morning – sitting alone at small table in an isolated northern California cabin is not the same as plopping your butt down in front of ESPN at home.

~ Coffee made? Check.
~ Fruit cup eaten? Check.
~ Cell phone picked up 50 times to confirm there is still no signal? Check.

Okay, now what?


  1. Now walk around the woods and then get to editing.

  2. That was your blog surrogate commenting, FYI.

  3. Yes sir, I'm getting right on it! (from "real" Jeff)

  4. Once you settle into the quiet you must: Go outside and listen to nature. Watch birds. Turn over a rotting log and see what's underneath. Be still. Write. Write some more. Go outside at night and wonder where all those stars came from!


  5. Jenny - I achieved everything on your list except for the "turning over a rotting log" thing. Sorry...don't want to know what's under there!
