Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Turn of Phrase - Lessons From a Rape Survivor

"I can’t stand by and watch these men who have no personal experience with sexual assault pretend to know so much about it.

I do know about rape. I received an education of the highest degree, and now it’s my turn to teach."

- From Renee DeVesty who was raped when she was 19 years old. DeVesty has subsequently become a lecturer, activist, and an advocate for rape survivors.

Like most Americans, Republican and Democrat, DeVesty was appalled by the hurtful and ill-informed comments of Missouri Representative and U.S. Senate candidate Todd Akin, who during a recent interview stated that women's bodies have natural defenses against pregnancy in cases of "legitimate rape." 

I've struggled for two days to identify exactly what it is that I want to say about Akin's ignorance, but when I read Renee's poignant account of her rape experience today, I realized my perspective is not the important one to share.

Women like Renee have bravely stepped forward to tell us everything we need to know about rape. All we need to do is listen. You can (and should) read Renee's story here.

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