Monday, April 23, 2012

Vote For May's Featured Daily Zen Contributor

Image: Wisdom Quarterly
Beginning in May, we'll identify one week each month when all the Daily Zen quotes will come from a single "featured" source.

I'll come up with a list of nominees based on potential contributor birthdays, historical anniversaries, holidays, or other noteworthy events, and then Readers can vote on whose quotes they would most like to see.

The famous figure who gets the most votes wins, and I will do my best to find and publish a selection of the most inspiring, interesting, and zen-ish things they've said about life.

Here's the ballot for May 2012. There are 5 "featured" Daily Zen nominees to choose from, and a space for you to add your own suggestions for future contributors. Meditate on your choices (but not too long - the survey closes at midnight on Friday April 27), and make your pick!

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