Friday, January 6, 2012

Romney Aiming at Wrong Target

During a campaign stop in South Carolina today, Mitt Romney accused President Obama of not understanding how the American economy works, and then added, "It's time to get a president who does."

I appreciate a good stump speech as much as the next guy, but I think Team Romney's attention might be better focused elsewhere. The last thing I want is to see Romney lose additional ground to his more insane fundamentalist challengers. In the spirit of support, I'm sharing a few headlines from today's news that might encourage the GOP frontrunner to climb off the President's back and get his message back on the right track.

Seems the President has the economy under control, and the Romney folks should pay more attention to the rest of the GOP. I'm sure the former governor's campaign team would like to believe they can ignore Santorum and head straight for the general election, but with the Republican base still looking for any other viable options to Romney, the frontrunner would be well-served not to underestimate any opponent. 

Note to Team Romney - Remember the Patriots-Giants Superbowl from 2008? Don't get too comfortable. There's a reason why they make you play the game.

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